Saturday, February 13, 2010

Productive Day

It was gray and snowy outside yesterday, but inside it was a productive day! I was able to make four loaves of bread, hamburger/sandwich buns, butter, and mozzarella cheese. (We have homemade pizza on Friday nights.) I ran out of time before I got to roll oats, but I did that this morning. I made oat muffins with cultured buttermilk. It is amazing how soft and moist everything made with buttermilk is. And it is SO easy to make! Just warm a quart of milk to 72 degrees, add the culture, and let it sit on the counter for about 24 hours. That's it! You can buy the dry culture or use 1/2 cup of cultured buttermilk as the starter. I haven't taken the time to put my butter in a mold lately, but yesterday I put it in the round one and it was fun. I soaked the mold in cool water for 1/2 an hour before adding the butter and then refrigerated it until the butter was firm. (I know I need to improve in the picture taking area and add them to the post, now that we have a camera.)
I couldn't believe it when I looked at the weather report today and we have ANOTHER winter weather advisory! We could get up to 5 inches this time.
I took pictures the other day of the paths that Jack cleared for the chickens in front of the coops so that they would come outside. It really is funny. They were all standing on the paths and nowhere else.
Hope you are finding the time to enjoy these days!


  1. Bubba, Nicki, Jonny, Chris, Aaron, Corrie, and I have defnitely been enjoying these days!!! We have been sledding every night since Sunday! We have finally built a ramp on our icy sledding hill and have been trying all sorts of crazy things. As soon as we go to Wal Mart bubba and I are going to purchase a Snowboard!!

  2. I tagged you on my blog!!1
