Monday, March 15, 2010

Signs of Spring

Not only are the garlic and chives up but the lemon balm, Santolina, and lavender all have green leaves.
We were able to get one of the raised beds mostly done. It is 3 ft. by 30 ft. Having it only three feet wide will enable us to work in it without walking in it. We're going to mulch the top well to keep the weeds down. We hope to build two more and plant the rest of the garden in rows. We've had so much rain the last three years that we have to plant in raised beds or it's not going to work. A friend gave us boards from an old fence that was torn down in the city and they are cypress! What a blessing that was! We are using them to build the raised beds. It is so hard to find untreated wood to use so this was great! He also gave us some 2x4's taken out of an old apartment building that are really 2 in. x 4 in.! Not like the 1 1/2 in. by 3 1/2 in. boards that you get today. They are so old that they have square nails in them. That was also a huge blessing and we are putting them to good use!
Hope you're able to get in the garden! ( I have onion sets to plant as soon as it quits raining again!)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Yesterday morning as I was making breakfast I heard a bird singing the sweetest little song and looked out the window to try to spot it, and saw either a sparrow or finch, I couldn't tell which, sitting on the herb garden fence post singing away. Such a welcome sound.
A few weeks ago, when we were still in the throes of a long winter, I would notice birds singing as if it were Spring. I heard other people commenting on the same thing; even my little five-year-old granddaughter who walked out of the house one very cold and dreary day and said to my daughter, "It sounds like Summer out here." Amazing. I wondered if the birds were letting us know that Spring was surely coming.
There were green garlic sprouts sticking up through the straw when I was cleaning up the garden area a little bit yesterday. The sunshine has made me so very anxious to plant something! Unfortunately, the ground is mostly frozen and the nights are still cold. But, the lettuce and spinach in the cold frames should take off soon!
I was standing at the fence watching the goats this morning hoping to take some pictures, but they wouldn't stay still long enough. Too energetic early in the morning and too determined to get to me first, in case I had brought some kind of treat for them, as I often do. While standing there, a bluebird landed on the fencepost and was chirping to another one while I got a good long look at him. Beautiful.
It's undeniable. Spring is on its way.