Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Freeze Warning Scramble

There's nothing like a good freeze warning to get everybody moving. For my part I worried that I didn't have enough herbs dried for cooking and winter tea so I gathered lemon balm, chocolate mint, oregano, chives, and more basil. The frost the night before got most of the basil but not all of it. We picked the green tomatoes to ripen inside and the last (again) of the okra. I'm going to miss the tomatoes and herbs. Having an herb garden is a wonderful thing. The fragrance when you are working in the garden is amazing and when you cut them to bring indoors it is delightful. And nothing you buy can compare to the freshness of your own homegrown herbs. Then you get to enjoy them all winter! The kitchen smells absolutely great right now with all of the bunches of herbs hanging to dry there.
Hope you'll grow some of your own fresh herbs to enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nancy! Great Post! I love herb gardening!! I'm so excited about my garden for next year as I plan and prepare. :^)
