Monday, September 21, 2009

Weekend News

We had some much needed rain over the weekend. I'm told some places south of here got nine inches! Was very sorry to hear from a friend in the Atlanta area today how much rain they had received and the problems it is causing. They had 16 inches over a four-day period and then added 12 inches to that overnight.
It was a very sad weekend for our daughter-in-love Tina and her family. Her 43 year-old brother stepped into eternity after suffering a heart attack that they were not able to revive him from. So very tragic. He was a great guy and will be sorely missed.
Unfortunately, we had some other bad news over the weekend but I'll wait until later to share it as I don't want to overload you with it.
We are reminded of how short and fragile life is. The petty things that seem so big are really nothing at all in the scheme of things. Life is so very very precious. Let go of the things that don't matter and embrace the ones that do.


  1. Thank you so much for the touching thoughts. It hurts so bad. It feels so different from losing my father so many years ago. I am an adult now and have a family to protect and nowing that they are hurting to, breaks my heart more. It is so strange to know that he will not be calling me anymore and will not see him anymore. Jessica and I talked this morning while she was getting ready for school about the funeral. Shes never been to a funeral. So please pray for all of the strength we will need. Thanks again, Love you bunches. Tina

  2. Oh wow!!! sniff, sniff. What a great blog, and another thing. I am so mad at jenny for being the first follower. ;) I can't pull up my followers for some strange reason, so as soon as I do that I will become a follower.

  3. Oh jen Thanks!! i didn't read your comment and i also couldnt veiw grandmas followers for some reason so i thought that it was you. I love y jen.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss!!
    It's true, we take so much for granted!

    Miss Mia
