Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Refrigerator Pickles

The refrigerator pickles we tried are good! I got the recipe at the Choosing Simplicity blog site. I wondered if soaking them in the salt and ice would really make them crisp, and it does!
I mixed up a concoction to spray on the garden for pests last night. I have never seen so many beetles at one time in my life. There is no way to hand-pick them all because they take off in another direction when you disturb them (and I definitely disturbed them). I have tansy growing and insects don't like it so I made a strong tea out of it, added chopped garlic and cayenne peppers after it cooled, let that soak a while, and then strained it. I poured in a little dishwashing liquid and vegetable oil to make it stick and smother smaller insects. We also have worms in the garden that we haven't had trouble with before and there are GOBS of them. They are eating the jalapeno pepper plants like crazy. Normally (did I say NORMAL?), nothing bothers them.
Well, it's always an adventure.
How's your garden doing?
P.S. Thought I'd better mention that I diluted the mixture with water before using and that I sprayed right before the sun went down so it wouldn't scorch the plants. Early morning would be good, too. Don't spray when it's hot or when the plants are in full sun.

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