The minister spoke about keeping both hands on the plow and not looking back. He told of a family that he had known well. They were a very close and strong family. They were very active and a blessing to many. Then they went to the wife's high school reunion. She saw her old friends and some of her old life. At first she just took one hand off of the plow to look back at that old life that she had had. Then she decided that she wanted it again; let go of the plow completely, and turned back. The children lost their way, and the family fell apart. It was disastrous.
The minister's eyes teared up as he recalled it; remembering the results of her going back. I wish there was a happy ending, but the family was destroyed forever.
When I've looked at that field with so much left to plow and the endless days ahead that it will take to produce anything; I've been tempted to look back. When the storms have come, and the crops are failing, and I lose an animal that year; I've been tempted to turn back. Don't look back. Let's keep both hands on the plow, holding it even tighter when the going gets rough, so we don't look back. We will finish one day and it all will be worth it.
And, if you ever find that you have been looking back, or even if you have actually left off plowing to turn back; go pick up that plow. It's not too late. It's still there waiting for you. There may be some rough spots to work out at first, but when you get through them; the going will be easier.
And Jesus said unto him,"No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62
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