Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cold Frame Reminder

Here's your annual cold frame reminder. We have spinach large enough to eat now but the lettuce is coming on slower. If you still haven't tried a cold frame, you might want to consider it. It's pretty great to be able to eat fresh lettuce and spinach in the winter and LOTS of it in the spring before anyone else even has their seeds in the ground. And, it's weed- and insect-free gardening.
We got the garlic planted yesterday and covered it with a thick layer of straw. I love growing garlic! You don't need much room to give it a try. Plant your garlic cloves pointed-side-up spaced about 5 inches apart and cover with straw. Next summer you will have your very own fresh garlic!
Millie is doing very well and getting used to the place. She is very sweet and so beautiful!
There is a freeze warning tonight so we harvested more comfrey leaves and blackberry leaves to dry while we could! Sure hate to see everything go. Well, there is a time for everything.
How are your fall activities coming along?

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