Sunday, January 17, 2010

So Very Precious

We have had several big reminders this past week of how very very precious life is. We have a friend that had just returned after the holidays to Haiti. She had come home for doctor visits because she had become very ill while there. She was VERY heavy on our hearts and minds, wondering what was taking place. She managed to get a message through to my daughter telling her that she and her family had survived and asking for prayer. They were living outside with children from an orphanage because their building was unsafe. We haven't had an update since. Our elderly neighbor's son stopped in to tell us that his dad had fallen and cracked some ribs, one of which punctured a lung, and he is in the hospital with pneumonia. Yesterday I went to the memorial service for a friend's husband who passed away. They were married late in life and were only married a little over three years. So very sad. While on the way home my husband called (he had to stay home and milk) and told me that a friend of the family, who is also the father of one of my longest and dearest friends, had had a heart attack. He is being sedated and on a respirator while they try to address the problems.
In the message that our friend sent from Haiti she said that it was too horrible to describe, there were dead bodies lined up everywhere. Most people will NEVER have to witness such a thing. I am very sad that she has. In all of these things I feel incredibly humbled and hugely grateful for all of my blessings. I DON'T want to take them for granted! All of the little things in life that seemed like problems are NOTHING! My desperate prayer is that we can all focus on the things that really matter, put all differences aside, and embrace (physically and in our heart of hearts) those dear ones that the Lord has given us. When it comes right down to it, NOTHING else is important.

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