Thursday, October 1, 2009


Morning chores in the rain today. We can't complain after the beautiful stretch of weather we've had. Does make it difficult for milking because we're still milking outside!
Rachael and the children came yesterday and helped us clean up by the barn and haul some scrap metal off. That was a tremendous help! And, we enjoyed their company very much.
We went to a friend's Farm Day last Sat. He holds it every fall and it is always a lot of fun. Tons of food, horse-drawn carriage and wagon rides, spinning and weaving, and lots of good company.
Sadly, on another note, Jack's mom is being declared incompetent due to dementia and because of her behaviour they won't release her from the hospital to go anywhere but a nursing home. Such a shame. We're praying that God will be in control of the situation.
Hope you're enjoying your day and that you are living each day on purpose.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that that made you happy. I know you didn't like having get-togethers because of all that junk. But now it looks nice. I will pray for June too, it' s a terrible thing, and I wish somehow, someone could tell her about Christ, it doesn't sound like she's going to make it much longer.
