Sunday, September 27, 2009

Farm Happenings

Two of our steers were taken in today for processing. I bottle fed these two as they were purchased from someone else. Our neighbor that very kindly took them in for us brought his trailer over several days ago so we could feed them in it daily to get them used to going in there. Good plan and very thoughtful. He and another neighbor not quite believing it would work, promised to be here at loading time so they could watch the entertainment. The two steers had no problem going in at first until one of them starting beating up on the other inside the trailer. We began to think that they just might get their entertainment after all. As it turns out the steer that had been on the receiving end of the roughing up happened to be the only one near the trailer at feeding time (the bully being distracted by one of our Jerseys that was in heat and making a lot of racket) and gladly ran in to have first dibs on the feed. With a little coaxing the other one followed us up to the trailer and boarded to enjoy his breakfast. Lucky for the first one that this trailer has a divider that was closed after he boarded that separated the two of them. Whew.
I shed a few tears as I looked at them (you can't help but get attached to them) and left to finish my chores and go inside.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Puppy Lessons

Jack found the puppy giving one of the baby chicks a ride around the farm in his mouth last night when we were out doing chores. He received a good scolding and was locked up in the pen for a little while to hopefully learn a lesson. The chick was fine and was returned to the brooder house. I can only imagine the terror that the chick was feeling as the puppy was taking him out to play. :-)
I hand-dipped 10 pairs of beeswax candles two days ago and found out that it is much nicer to do them when the weather is cooler! I am very glad to have them done, though. The smell of the beeswax filling the house was incredible. What a wonderful thing!
Well, I'd better finish up chores so we can be off to Rachael's for dinner tonight. What a treat!
Hope you are having a great day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Slowing Down

We are so blessed to live on a farm. And, when I am away for any time at all, I am reminded of that fact. I can't wait to get back. To see creation in its fullness is a blessing that is so hard to convey in words. My heart fills with gratitude and amazement when I think about it. Wherever you are I hope you will slow down and take note of all of the glorious things going on around you.

And, that brings me to a point that I am thinking about today. Slowing down. We cannot embrace those people and things that really matter unless we do. Our culture has sped up to the point that it has become harmful in so many ways; relationshipwise, healthwise, anythingwise. And I am speaking to myself here as I have been at times one of the worst offenders. ( Interesting that all across the world slow movements pertaining to just about everything are springing up as people are seeing the results of Their hurriedness.) I hope that I can slow down and live in a way that has time for people and true contentment.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Weekend News

We had some much needed rain over the weekend. I'm told some places south of here got nine inches! Was very sorry to hear from a friend in the Atlanta area today how much rain they had received and the problems it is causing. They had 16 inches over a four-day period and then added 12 inches to that overnight.
It was a very sad weekend for our daughter-in-love Tina and her family. Her 43 year-old brother stepped into eternity after suffering a heart attack that they were not able to revive him from. So very tragic. He was a great guy and will be sorely missed.
Unfortunately, we had some other bad news over the weekend but I'll wait until later to share it as I don't want to overload you with it.
We are reminded of how short and fragile life is. The petty things that seem so big are really nothing at all in the scheme of things. Life is so very very precious. Let go of the things that don't matter and embrace the ones that do.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Another beautiful day. Jack and Chris were at Rachael's today putting the stairs on the new deck they have been building for her. Some dear friends came over and we enjoyed looking at the animals, the garden, and chatting. The garden is winding down now with the corn that we'll be using for cornmeal drying on the stalks, some tomatoes, and some okra. The okra is still putting on a few blossoms. The weather wasn't very good for gardening again this year but we are very thankful for what we have harvested! We were very blessed to have green grass all summer in the pastures.
How are things going for you?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This and That

We have been enjoying the most beautiful weather lately. What a blessing. All three cows are in milk now and two still have their calves on them. It makes for happy moms and happy healthy calves! I'm not milking the goat now as she is dried up. Time to have two of them bred for kidding in the Spring. Does it seem that this year is flying by? The new puppy is doing very well. I think he will be a good replacement for our farm dog that we lost.
Hope you all are doing well!