Let the pickle making begin! I was able to make a half-gallon jar of refrigerator dill pickles today and three quarts of regular kosher dills. We haven't tried the refrigerator pickles before so we'll see how they are after they sit in the fridge for three days. The recipe says to wait at least three days and that they get better the longer they are in there. I hope we like them because they are super easy to make.
We weren't sure that we would be able to have a garden this year because of the weather so we are extra happy and grateful to be getting these.
This may seem so obvious that you wonder that it took me so long to realize it, but when I was working in the garden earlier this year planting seeds and plants, it dawned on me that we plant and God does the rest. It's all up to Him. We can't control the weather or anything else. We do what we can and then it's up to Him to give the increase.....or not. He gives life. Period. This is very humbling. And awe-inspiring. And freeing. We've worried and worked so hard in trying to plant around the difficult weather, all of the insects, and everything that wants what you plant. We think, "I'm just not working hard enough or smart enough. Or I've missed something that I should have seen." When I think about it, this applies to everything I do, doesn't it? Everything I do as a wife, mother, grandmother, or friend. I do what I can, planting the seeds, and He does the rest. It's all Him. They are all His. "But, Lord! I've tried so hard!" We can't give the increase. Only He can. And He will. He will.
My daughter-in-love pointed out that it is the same with birth. You do all you can to be healthy and prepare. To be informed and make good choices. And then..... the outcome is in His hands. His precious hands.
Keep planting those seeds and watch for the increase.